Goth-Trad: Survival Research / #2021reviews
After his 2016 album, Psionics, Goth-Trad, the godfather of Japanese dubstep have not released any new dubstep material for a long while. He kept doing live acts, organized his monthly…
TsuShiMaMiRe: Sake Mamire / #2021reviews
So, what we learn from this new TsuShiMaMiRe album is these girls obviously get pretty wild when they drink! I am guessing this because the theme of Sake Mamire, the…
Nehann: New Metropolis / #2021reviews
Nehann is a relatively new, Tokyo based band, which formed in 2019 and New Metropolis is their first album, preceded only by a few singles and demos. Including several brand…
Merzbow & Prurient: Black Crows Cyborg / #2021reviews
As each and every year, there were a lot of Merzbow releases in 2021, including a fair share of new material (besides all the reissues) and as always, they were…
FEMM: Tokyo Girls Anthem / #2021reviews
When FEMM debuted in 2014 they were the J-Pop sensation of the year. The mysterious duo, moving around like some sort of androids, doing superb, contemporary dance pop. They kept…
No No No: No No No / #2021reviews
While the first band that will probably come to mind for most people while listening to this album is Otoboke Beaver as they got pretty famous worldwide in recent years,…
The Mirraz: Japanese English / #2021reviews
Ever since they formed in 2006 the The Mirraz had a very distinctive trademark sound with mostly fast, hyperactive indie-rock tunes, that were just perfect for their crazy live shows.…
Co-Fusion: Co-Fu3.0 / #2021reviews
Co-Fusion was one of the key groups in the early days of Japanese techno, back in the late '90s, when the producers, mostly under the legendary Sublime Records, were experimenting…
Chie Horiguchi: Outsider / #2021reviews
Chie Horiguchi's debut solo album was definitely one of this years biggest surprises: until now she was known as the guitarist of Learners, a band playing covers of classic, old-school…
Kinoco Hotel: Marianne no Mikkai / #2021reviews
Almost exactly two years after their previous full-length, Marianne no Ougi, Kinoco Hotel returned with their 8th album this summer and for the most part, it was a great return…