BananaLemon featured in new Sims 4 expansion pack trailer
Back in 2018 with the excellent Girls Gone Wild and Look At Me, Look At Me BananaLemon seemed to be building up to be a possible "next big thing", but then…
FAKY is back! New music video, digital single trilogy and two “new” members
FAKY, one of the best J-Pop girl groups lost one member late last year when former lead singer Anna decided to quit and concentrate on her acting career, however by…
BananaLemon is back with Look At Me, Look At Me, another uptempo bop!
BananaLemon's Girls Gone Wild was the unexpected club pop anthem of early 2018 and now, half a year later the girls are back with another track and video. The new…
BananaLemon drops its first proper music video for Girls Gone Wild
The girl group part of the JPop market was dominated by an endless line of indistinguishable teeny idol units for a long, long while (as I already wrote about it before),…